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This page has information about the validation-related APIs of fielded.


A Validation object represents the state of validation for a field.

Validation objects are automatically created from a field's validators when the field value is updated. The validation state can be accessed through the Field.validation property.

A validation calls its validators in sequence, stopping at the first one that throws an error or returns a promise that rejects. The error is converted using ValidationError.from().

const username = Field.text()
.addValidators(value => {
if (value.length < 3) {
throw new Error('Must have at least 3 characters');
}, value => {
if (reservedUsernames.includes(value)) {
throw new Error('Not available');

console.log(username.validation.errors); // ['Must have at least 3 characters']

console.log(username.validation.errors); // ['Not available']

If a validator throws a ValidationError whose bail property is set to false, then that validator will not stop the validation, and the next validator runs normally.

const imageUrl = Field.text()
.addValidators(value => {
if (!value.startsWith('https')) {
throw new ValidationError('Must be an HTTPS URL', { bail: false });
}, value => {
if (!value.endsWith('.png')) {
throw new Error('Must be a PNG image');

console.log(username.validation.errors); // ['Must be an HTTPS URL', 'Must be a PNG image']



The current state of the validation. Can be one of

  • pending: if the validation is not complete yet;
  • valid: if the validation is complete, and the value is valid;
  • invalid: if the validation is completed, and there are errors.


An observable list of ValidationErrors for the last validated value.


Whether there's any error in the validation state. Shorthand for validation.errors.length > 0.


The valid value of the field. Only set when state is valid.

const age = Field.number().addValidators(value => {
if (value < 18) {
throw new Error('Must be an adult');

if (age.validation.state === 'valid') {
console.log(`Your age is ${age.validation.value}`);



Triggers a validation on the passed value, and returns a promise for when the validation has finished.

Manually calling this method will reset the validation state and rerun every validator.


The ValidationError represents an error thrown when a validator found a value to be invalid. It can be manually instantiated by validators (by calling new ValidationError()), or mapped from any other value by using the static method ValidationError.from().

constructor(message, opts)

Creates a new ValidationError with the given message and options.

opts is an object which can have the following properties:

  • bail: See bail. Defaults to true.

  • cause: the source error for the new validation error. You might want to set this when wrapping another error.
    For example, if your validator throws some unexpected error, you might want to wrap it:

    const username = Field.text().addValidators(async value => {
    const available = await service.isAvailable(value).catch(e => {
    throw new ValidationError('Something went wrong', { cause: e });
    if (!available) {
    throw new Error('Not available');

    See Error: cause on MDN for more information.

Static Methods


Converts any value to ValidationError.

  • If e is an instance of ValidationError, then it's returned.
  • If e is an instance of Error, then the ValidationError is created using that error's message. It's also set as the cause of the validation error.
  • Otherwise, e is converted to a string and set as the error's message and cause.



Whether the validation should be stopped when hitting this error.