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Getting Started

fielded is a library for managing form state on the web or Node.js. Its main features are

  • Strongly typed with TypeScript.
    All properties are statically referenced. There are no fragile strings that you need to remember to update when doing refactors like in similar form state libraries.
  • Independent of UI.
    fielded may be used with React, plain HTML, or even in a Node.js server! This makes your forms testable, decoupled and portable.
  • Simple semantics.
    Since fielded's constructs are plain JavaScript classes and functions, it's easy to test validation behaviours, or even extend it to generate UI from the form state.


fielded is currently powered by MobX, a reactivity-based state management library.
You'll need to install it and observe fielded's state using its APIs (e.g. computeds, observers) to be notified of changes.


This dependency will soon be removed to support applications that don't use it.


You can get fielded by using your favourite package manager:

npm install fielded


As mentioned above, fielded makes use of pure JavaScript, powered by MobX observers. The following example demonstrates how to update the form state and track its changes:

import { Form, FormArray, Field } from "fielded";
import { autorun } from "mobx";

const form = new Form({
name: Field.text("John Doe"),
age: Field.number(),
pets: new FormArray([new Form({ name: Field.text("Rex") })]),

autorun(() => {
// logs { name: 'John Doe', pets: [{ name: 'Rex' }] }

// logs { name: 'John Doe', age: 30, pets: [{ name: 'Rex' }] }

Now, let's understand how to use fielded's APIs to build your form state.